
#top Filesystem

code / perl / sysfile

#top Predefined Constants

Deklaracja stałych SEEK_CUR SEEK_END SEEK_SET znajduje się w pliku i386-linux-thread-multi/
fcntl_h => [qw(

#top Datatypes / MACROS

No Datatypes here.

#top Filesystem Functions

#top close

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Deklaracja funkcji close() jest następująca:

close(), open(),


#top Copying Files

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zawartość pliku
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

my ($workdir, $filesrcs, $filedest);
my ($FHSRCS, $FHDEST, $line, $data);

if ($#ARGV+1<2) {
	print("Usage: $0 </path/to/source> </path/to/destination>\n");
	print("       $0 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/\n");
	print("       $0 /bin/bash /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/bash\n");


if ( ! (-e $filesrcs && -f $filesrcs) ) {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$filesrcs' does not exists or not a file.\n");

if (! -r $filesrcs) {
	print(STDERR "$0: Fi"$0: File '$filesrcs' exists but is not readable!\n");

if (! (-e $workdir && -d $workdir) ) {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$workdir' does not exists or not a directory.\n");

if (! -w $workdir) {
	print(STDERR "$0: Di"$0: Directory '$workdir' exists but is not writable!\n");

if (!open($FHSRCS,$filesrcs)) {
	print(STDERR "$0: Un"$0: Unable to open file '$filesrcs' for read, Reason $!\n");
print""$0: if (open($FHSRCS,$filesrcs)): Successful opened file '$filesrcs' for read.\n");

if (!open($FHDEST,">$filedest")) {
	print(STDERR "$0: if"$0: if (open($FHDEST,\">$filedest\")): else: Unable to open file '$filedest' for write, Reason $!\n");
print""$0: if (open($FHDEST,\">$filedest\")): Successful opened file '$filedest' for write.\n");

if (-B $filesrcs) {
	print("$0: copying content in BINARY mode ...");
	while (read($FHSRCS,$data,16384)!=0) {
		print($FHDEST $data);
	print("... DONE\n");
} else {
	print("$0: copying content in TEXT mode ...");
	while ($line=<$FHSRCS>) {
		print($FHDEST $line);
	print("... DONE\n");

print""$0: close($FHSRCS):\n");
print""$0: close($FHDEST):\n");

Aby zobaczyć jak działa program należy go uruchomić bez argumentów:
program wyświetli informacje o sposobie uruchamiania programu:
Usage: /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ </path/to/source> </path/to/destination>
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /bin/bash /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/bash

jako argument wywołania programu można podać analogiczne jak poniżej argumenty:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /bin/bash /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/bash
rezultat będzie zależny od podanego argumentu wywołania programu:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x8db1dd8),/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x8db28f4),">/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/")): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/' for write.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ copying content in TEXT mode ...... DONE
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x8db1dd8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x8db28f4)):

/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x96dedd8),/bin/bash)): Successful opened file '/bin/bash' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x96df8f4),">/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/bash")): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/bash' for write.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ copying content in BINARY mode ...... DONE
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x96dedd8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x96df8f4)):

#top FILEHANDLE Operator

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Deklaracja operatora FILEHANDLE jest następująca:

FILEHANDLE Operator, print(), read(),


zawartość pliku
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

if ($#ARGV+1<1) {
	print("Usage: $0 </path/to/file>\n");
	print("       $0 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/\n");

my ($fileopen);

my ($FHRD, $oneline, @LINES);
if (-e $fileopen && -f $fileopen) {
	if (-r $fileopen) {
		if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)): Successful opened file '$fileopen' for read.\n");
			printn"$0: \$oneline=|$oneline|\n");
			printn"$0: \@LINES=|@LINES|\n");
			unshift(@LINES, $oneline);
			printn"$0: count lines \@LINES \$#LINES=|".($#LINES+1)."|\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHRD):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: Unable to open file '$fileopen' for read, Reason $!\n");
	} else {
		print(STDERRR "$0: E"$0: Entry '$fileopen' exists but is not readable!\n");
} else {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$fileopen' does not exists or not a file.\n");

Aby zobaczyć jak działa program należy go uruchomić bez argumentów:
program wyświetli informacje o sposobie uruchamiania programu:
Usage: /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ </path/to/file>
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/

jako argument wywołania programu można podać analogiczne jak poniżej argumenty:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/
rezultat będzie zależny od podanego argumentu wywołania programu:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x8efddd8),/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $oneline=|#!/usr/bin/perl -w
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ @LINES=|
 use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
 use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
 use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

 if ($#ARGV+1<1) {
        print("Usage: $0 </path/to/file>\n");
        print("       $0 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/\n");

 my ($fileopen);

 my ($FHRD, $oneline, @LINES);
 if (-e $fileopen && -f $fileopen) {
        if (-r $fileopen) {
                if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)) {
                        print("$0: if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)): Successful opened file '$fileopen' for read.\n");

                        print("$0: \$oneline=|$oneline|\n");

                        print("$0: \@LINES=|@LINES|\n");

                        unshift(@LINES, $oneline);
                        print("$0: count lines \@LINES \$#LINES=|".($#LINES+1)."|\n");

                        print("$0: close($FHRD):\n");
                } else {
                        print(STDERR "$0: Unable to open file '$fileopen' for read, Reason $!\n");
        } else {
                print(STDERR "$0: Entry '$fileopen' exists but is not readable!\n");

 } else {
        print(STDERR "$0: Entry '$fileopen' does not exists or not a file.\n");

/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ count lines @LINES $#LINES=|47|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x8efddd8)):
Jak widać na powyższym rezultacie wywołania programu działanie operatora FILEHANDLE zależne jest od kontekstu użycia. W przypadku przypisywania operatora do scalara operator zwraca jedną linię z pliku, natomiast w przypadku przypisania operatora do listy operator zwraca wszystkie linie z pliku. W powyższym przykładzie za pomocą funkcji unshift do listy na początku dodawana jest pierwsza odczytana linia z pliku, aby lista zawierała wszystkie linie z pliku i obrazowała rzeczywistą liczbę linii z odczytanego pliku.

#top File Information

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zawartość pliku
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

if ($#ARGV+1<1) {
	print("Usage: $0 </path/to/file>\n");
	print("       $0 /etc\n");
	print("       $0 /tmp\n");
	print("       $0 /root\n");
	print("       $0 /dev/sda\n");
	print("       $0 /dev/null\n");
	print("       $0 /dev/log\n");
	print("       $0 /dev/core\n");
	print("       $0 /etc/fstab\n");
	print("       $0 /usr/bin/GET\n");
	print("       $0 /usr/bin/perl\n");

my $filename=$ARGV[0];

if (-e $filename) { print("OK:  $filename    EXISTS\n");       } else { print("NOK: $filename not EXISTS !!!\n");          }
if (-d $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is DIRECTORY\n");    } else { print("NOK: $filename is not DIRECTORY !!!\n");    }
if (-b $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is BLOCK FILE\n");   } else { print("NOK: $filename is not BLOCK FILE !!!\n");   }
if (-c $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is CHAR FILE\n");    } else { print("NOK: $filename is not CHAR FILE !!!\n");    }
if (-S $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is SOCKET\n");       } else { print("NOK: $filename is not SOCKET !!!\n");       }
if (-l $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is SYMLINK\n");      } else { print("NOK: $filename is not SYMLINK !!!\n");      }
if (-f $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is REGULAR FILE\n"); } else { print("NOK: $filename is not REGULAR FILE !!!\n"); }
if (-T $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is SCRIPT\n");       } else { print("NOK: $filename is not SCRIPT !!!\n");       }
if (-s $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is NOT EMPTY\n");    } else { print("NOK: $filename is     EMPTY !!!\n");        }
if (-r $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is READABLE\n");     } else { print("NOK: $filename is not READABLE !!!\n");     }
if (-w $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is WRITABLE\n");     } else { print("NOK: $filename is not WRITABLE !!!\n");     }
if (-x $filename) { print("OK:  $filename is EXECUTABLE\n");   } else { print("NOK: $filename is not EXECUTABLE !!!\n");   }

if (-A $filename) { print("OK:  $filename Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.\n"); } else { print("NOK: $filename Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.\n"); }
if (-B $filename) { print("OK:  $filename It is a binary file.\n");                                        } else { print("NOK: $filename It is a binary file.\n");                                        }
if (-C $filename) { print("OK:  $filename Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.\n"); } else { print("NOK: $filename Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.\n"); }
if (-M $filename) { print("OK:  $filename Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.\n"); } else { print("NOK: $filename Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.\n"); }
if (-O $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is owned by the real user ID.\n");                      } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is owned by the real user ID.\n");                      }
if (-R $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.\n");     } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.\n");     }
if (-S $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is a socket.\n");                                       } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is a socket.\n");                                       }
if (-T $filename) { print("OK:  $filename It is a text file.\n");                                          } else { print("NOK: $filename It is a text file.\n");                                          }
if (-W $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.\n");     } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.\n");     }
if (-X $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.\n");   } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.\n");   }
if (-b $filename) { print("OK:  $filename It is a block special file.\n");                                 } else { print("NOK: $filename It is a block special file.\n");                                 }
if (-c $filename) { print("OK:  $filename It is a character special file.\n");                             } else { print("NOK: $filename It is a character special file.\n");                             }
if (-d $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is a directory.\n");                                    } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is a directory.\n");                                    }
if (-e $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file does exist.\n");                                        } else { print("NOK: $filename The file does exist.\n");                                        }
if (-f $filename) { print("OK:  $filename It is a plain file.\n");                                         } else { print("NOK: $filename It is a plain file.\n");                                         }
if (-g $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file does have the setgid bit set.\n");                      } else { print("NOK: $filename The file does have the setgid bit set.\n");                      }
if (-k $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file does have the sticky bit set.\n");                      } else { print("NOK: $filename The file does have the sticky bit set.\n");                      }
if (-l $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is a symbolic link.\n");                                } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is a symbolic link.\n");                                }
if (-o $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is owned by the effective user ID.\n");                 } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is owned by the effective user ID.\n");                 }
if (-p $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is a named pipe.\n");                                   } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is a named pipe.\n");                                   }
if (-r $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.\n");     } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.\n");     }
if (-s $filename) { print("OK:  $filename Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.\n");       } else { print("NOK: $filename Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.\n");       }
if (-t $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).\n");               } else { print("NOK: $filename The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).\n");               }
if (-u $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The is does file have the setuid bit set.\n");                   } else { print("NOK: $filename The is does file have the setuid bit set.\n");                   }
if (-w $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.\n");     } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.\n");     }
if (-x $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.\n");   } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.\n");   }
if (-z $filename) { print("OK:  $filename The file is size zero.\n");                                      } else { print("NOK: $filename The file is size zero.\n");                                      }

Aby zobaczyć jak działa program należy go uruchomić bez argumentów:
program wyświetli informacje o sposobie uruchamiania programu:
Usage: /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ </path/to/file>
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /etc
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /tmp
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /root
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/sda
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/null
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/log
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/core
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /etc/fstab
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /usr/bin/GET
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /usr/bin/perl

jako argument wywołania programu można podać analogiczne jak poniżej argumenty:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /etc
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /tmp
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /root
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/sda
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/null
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/log
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /dev/core
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /etc/fstab
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /usr/bin/GET
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /usr/bin/perl
rezultat będzie zależny od podanego argumentu wywołania programu:
OK:  /etc    EXISTS
OK:  /etc is DIRECTORY
NOK: /etc is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /etc is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /etc is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /etc is not SYMLINK !!!
NOK: /etc is not REGULAR FILE !!!
NOK: /etc is not SCRIPT !!!
OK:  /etc is NOT EMPTY
OK:  /etc is READABLE
NOK: /etc is not WRITABLE !!!
OK:  /etc Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /etc It is a binary file.
OK:  /etc Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /etc Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /etc The file is owned by the real user ID.
OK:  /etc The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /etc The file is a socket.
NOK: /etc It is a text file.
NOK: /etc The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
OK:  /etc The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /etc It is a block special file.
NOK: /etc It is a character special file.
OK:  /etc The file is a directory.
OK:  /etc The file does exist.
NOK: /etc It is a plain file.
NOK: /etc The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /etc The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /etc The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /etc The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /etc The file is a named pipe.
OK:  /etc The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /etc Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /etc The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /etc The is does file have the setuid bit set.
NOK: /etc The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /etc The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /etc The file is size zero.

OK:  /tmp    EXISTS
OK:  /tmp is DIRECTORY
NOK: /tmp is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /tmp is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /tmp is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /tmp is not SYMLINK !!!
NOK: /tmp is not REGULAR FILE !!!
NOK: /tmp is not SCRIPT !!!
OK:  /tmp is NOT EMPTY
OK:  /tmp is READABLE
OK:  /tmp is WRITABLE
OK:  /tmp Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /tmp It is a binary file.
OK:  /tmp Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /tmp Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /tmp The file is owned by the real user ID.
OK:  /tmp The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /tmp The file is a socket.
NOK: /tmp It is a text file.
OK:  /tmp The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
OK:  /tmp The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /tmp It is a block special file.
NOK: /tmp It is a character special file.
OK:  /tmp The file is a directory.
OK:  /tmp The file does exist.
NOK: /tmp It is a plain file.
NOK: /tmp The file does have the setgid bit set.
OK:  /tmp The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /tmp The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /tmp The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /tmp The file is a named pipe.
OK:  /tmp The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /tmp Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /tmp The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /tmp The is does file have the setuid bit set.
OK:  /tmp The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /tmp The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /tmp The file is size zero.

OK:  /root    EXISTS
OK:  /root is DIRECTORY
NOK: /root is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /root is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /root is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /root is not SYMLINK !!!
NOK: /root is not REGULAR FILE !!!
NOK: /root is not SCRIPT !!!
OK:  /root is NOT EMPTY
NOK: /root is not READABLE !!!
NOK: /root is not WRITABLE !!!
NOK: /root is not EXECUTABLE !!!
OK:  /root Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /root It is a binary file.
OK:  /root Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /root Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /root The file is owned by the real user ID.
NOK: /root The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /root The file is a socket.
NOK: /root It is a text file.
NOK: /root The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /root The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /root It is a block special file.
NOK: /root It is a character special file.
OK:  /root The file is a directory.
OK:  /root The file does exist.
NOK: /root It is a plain file.
NOK: /root The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /root The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /root The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /root The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /root The file is a named pipe.
NOK: /root The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /root Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /root The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /root The is does file have the setuid bit set.
NOK: /root The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /root The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /root The file is size zero.

OK:  /dev/sda    EXISTS
NOK: /dev/sda is not DIRECTORY !!!
OK:  /dev/sda is BLOCK FILE
NOK: /dev/sda is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is not SYMLINK !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is not REGULAR FILE !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is not SCRIPT !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is     EMPTY !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is not READABLE !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is not WRITABLE !!!
NOK: /dev/sda is not EXECUTABLE !!!
OK:  /dev/sda Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/sda It is a binary file.
OK:  /dev/sda Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /dev/sda Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is owned by the real user ID.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is a socket.
NOK: /dev/sda It is a text file.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
OK:  /dev/sda It is a block special file.
NOK: /dev/sda It is a character special file.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is a directory.
OK:  /dev/sda The file does exist.
NOK: /dev/sda It is a plain file.
NOK: /dev/sda The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /dev/sda The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is a named pipe.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/sda Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /dev/sda The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /dev/sda The is does file have the setuid bit set.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/sda The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /dev/sda The file is size zero.

OK:  /dev/null    EXISTS
NOK: /dev/null is not DIRECTORY !!!
NOK: /dev/null is not BLOCK FILE !!!
OK:  /dev/null is CHAR FILE
NOK: /dev/null is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /dev/null is not SYMLINK !!!
NOK: /dev/null is not REGULAR FILE !!!
OK:  /dev/null is SCRIPT
NOK: /dev/null is     EMPTY !!!
OK:  /dev/null is READABLE
OK:  /dev/null is WRITABLE
NOK: /dev/null is not EXECUTABLE !!!
OK:  /dev/null Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /dev/null It is a binary file.
OK:  /dev/null Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /dev/null Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/null The file is owned by the real user ID.
OK:  /dev/null The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/null The file is a socket.
OK:  /dev/null It is a text file.
OK:  /dev/null The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/null The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/null It is a block special file.
OK:  /dev/null It is a character special file.
NOK: /dev/null The file is a directory.
OK:  /dev/null The file does exist.
NOK: /dev/null It is a plain file.
NOK: /dev/null The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /dev/null The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /dev/null The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /dev/null The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /dev/null The file is a named pipe.
OK:  /dev/null The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/null Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /dev/null The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /dev/null The is does file have the setuid bit set.
OK:  /dev/null The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/null The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /dev/null The file is size zero.

OK:  /dev/log    EXISTS
NOK: /dev/log is not DIRECTORY !!!
NOK: /dev/log is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /dev/log is not CHAR FILE !!!
OK:  /dev/log is SOCKET
NOK: /dev/log is not SYMLINK !!!
NOK: /dev/log is not REGULAR FILE !!!
NOK: /dev/log is not SCRIPT !!!
NOK: /dev/log is     EMPTY !!!
OK:  /dev/log is READABLE
OK:  /dev/log is WRITABLE
NOK: /dev/log is not EXECUTABLE !!!
OK:  /dev/log Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/log It is a binary file.
OK:  /dev/log Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /dev/log Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/log The file is owned by the real user ID.
OK:  /dev/log The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
OK:  /dev/log The file is a socket.
NOK: /dev/log It is a text file.
OK:  /dev/log The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/log The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/log It is a block special file.
NOK: /dev/log It is a character special file.
NOK: /dev/log The file is a directory.
OK:  /dev/log The file does exist.
NOK: /dev/log It is a plain file.
NOK: /dev/log The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /dev/log The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /dev/log The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /dev/log The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /dev/log The file is a named pipe.
OK:  /dev/log The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/log Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /dev/log The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /dev/log The is does file have the setuid bit set.
OK:  /dev/log The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/log The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /dev/log The file is size zero.

OK:  /dev/core    EXISTS
NOK: /dev/core is not DIRECTORY !!!
NOK: /dev/core is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /dev/core is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /dev/core is not SOCKET !!!
OK:  /dev/core is SYMLINK
OK:  /dev/core is REGULAR FILE
NOK: /dev/core is not SCRIPT !!!
OK:  /dev/core is NOT EMPTY
NOK: /dev/core is not READABLE !!!
NOK: /dev/core is not WRITABLE !!!
NOK: /dev/core is not EXECUTABLE !!!
NOK: /dev/core Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/core It is a binary file.
NOK: /dev/core Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/core Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /dev/core The file is owned by the real user ID.
NOK: /dev/core The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/core The file is a socket.
NOK: /dev/core It is a text file.
NOK: /dev/core The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/core The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /dev/core It is a block special file.
NOK: /dev/core It is a character special file.
NOK: /dev/core The file is a directory.
OK:  /dev/core The file does exist.
OK:  /dev/core It is a plain file.
NOK: /dev/core The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /dev/core The file does have the sticky bit set.
OK:  /dev/core The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /dev/core The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /dev/core The file is a named pipe.
NOK: /dev/core The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /dev/core Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /dev/core The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /dev/core The is does file have the setuid bit set.
NOK: /dev/core The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/core The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /dev/core The file is size zero.

OK:  /etc/fstab    EXISTS
NOK: /etc/fstab is not DIRECTORY !!!
NOK: /etc/fstab is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /etc/fstab is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /etc/fstab is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /etc/fstab is not SYMLINK !!!
OK:  /etc/fstab is REGULAR FILE
OK:  /etc/fstab is SCRIPT
OK:  /etc/fstab is NOT EMPTY
OK:  /etc/fstab is READABLE
NOK: /etc/fstab is not WRITABLE !!!
NOK: /etc/fstab is not EXECUTABLE !!!
NOK: /etc/fstab Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /etc/fstab It is a binary file.
OK:  /etc/fstab Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /etc/fstab Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is owned by the real user ID.
OK:  /etc/fstab The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is a socket.
OK:  /etc/fstab It is a text file.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /etc/fstab It is a block special file.
NOK: /etc/fstab It is a character special file.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is a directory.
OK:  /etc/fstab The file does exist.
OK:  /etc/fstab It is a plain file.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is a named pipe.
OK:  /etc/fstab The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /etc/fstab Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /etc/fstab The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /etc/fstab The is does file have the setuid bit set.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /etc/fstab The file is size zero.

OK:  /usr/bin/GET    EXISTS
NOK: /usr/bin/GET is not DIRECTORY !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/GET is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/GET is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/GET is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/GET is not SYMLINK !!!
OK:  /usr/bin/GET is REGULAR FILE
OK:  /usr/bin/GET is SCRIPT
OK:  /usr/bin/GET is NOT EMPTY
OK:  /usr/bin/GET is READABLE
NOK: /usr/bin/GET is not WRITABLE !!!
OK:  /usr/bin/GET is EXECUTABLE
NOK: /usr/bin/GET Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET It is a binary file.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is owned by the real user ID.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is a socket.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET It is a text file.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET It is a block special file.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET It is a character special file.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is a directory.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET The file does exist.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET It is a plain file.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is a named pipe.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The is does file have the setuid bit set.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /usr/bin/GET The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /usr/bin/GET The file is size zero.

OK:  /usr/bin/perl    EXISTS
NOK: /usr/bin/perl is not DIRECTORY !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/perl is not BLOCK FILE !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/perl is not CHAR FILE !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/perl is not SOCKET !!!
NOK: /usr/bin/perl is not SYMLINK !!!
OK:  /usr/bin/perl is REGULAR FILE
NOK: /usr/bin/perl is not SCRIPT !!!
OK:  /usr/bin/perl is NOT EMPTY
OK:  /usr/bin/perl is READABLE
NOK: /usr/bin/perl is not WRITABLE !!!
OK:  /usr/bin/perl is EXECUTABLE
NOK: /usr/bin/perl Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl It is a binary file.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl Age of file (at script startup) in days since modification.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is owned by the real user ID.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl The file is readable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is a socket.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl It is a text file.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is writable by the real user ID or real group.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl The file is executable by the real user ID or real group.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl It is a block special file.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl It is a character special file.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is a directory.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl The file does exist.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl It is a plain file.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file does have the setgid bit set.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file does have the sticky bit set.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is a symbolic link.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is owned by the effective user ID.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is a named pipe.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl The file is readable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl Returns the size of the file, zero size = empty file.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The filehandle is opened by a TTY (terminal).
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The is does file have the setuid bit set.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is writable by the effective user or group ID.
OK:  /usr/bin/perl The file is executable by the effective user or group ID.
NOK: /usr/bin/perl The file is size zero.

#top open

Documentacja online: |

Deklaracja funkcji open() jest następująca:

close(), open(),


zawartość pliku
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

if ($#ARGV+1<1) {
	print("Usage: $0 </path/to/prefix-file>\n");
	print("       $0 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open\n");
	print("       It will be usage following files:\n");
	print("       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt # (need file to be exists (if not exists create them manually))\n");
	print("       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-write.txt # (if not exists it will be created)\n");
	print("       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-append.txt # (if not exists it will be created)\n");

my ($workdir, $fileopen, $filewrite, $fileappend);

my ($FHRD, $FHWR, $FHWA, $line);
if (-e $fileopen && -f $fileopen) {
	if (-r $fileopen) {
		if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)): Successful opened file '$fileopen' for read.\n");
			while ($line=<$FHRD>) {
				printi"$0: line=|$line|\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWR):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: Unable to open file '$fileopen' for read, Reason $!\n");
		if (open($FHRD,"<$fileopen")) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHRD,\"<$fileopen\")): Successful opened file '$fileopen' for read.\n");
			while ($line=<$FHRD>) {
				printi"$0: line=|$line|\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWR):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: Unable to open file '$fileopen' for read, Reason $!\n");
		if (open($FHRD,'<',$fileopen)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHRD,'<',$fileopen)): Successful opened file '$fileopen' for read.\n");
			while ($line=<$FHRD>) {
				printi"$0: line=|$line|\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWR):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: Unable to open file '$fileopen' for read, Reason $!\n");
	} else {
		print(STDERRR "$0: E"$0: Entry '$fileopen' exists but is not readable!\n");
} else {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$fileopen' does not exists or not a file.\n");

if (-e $workdir && -d $workdir) {
	if (-w $workdir) {
		if (open($FHWR,">$filewrite")) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHWR,\">$filewrite\")): Successful opened file '$filewrite' for write.\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWR):\n");
			print($FHWRWR "ope"open(HANDLE,\">$filewrite\"):write:line1\n");
			print($FHWRWR "ope"open(HANDLE,\">$filewrite\"):write:line2\n");
			print($FHWRWR "ope"open(HANDLE,\"$filewrite\"):write:line3\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWR):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: if (open($FHWR,\">$filewrite\")): else: Unable to open file '$filewrite' for write, Reason $!\n");
		if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)): Successful opened file '$filewrite' for write.\n");
			print($FHWRWR "ope"open(HANDLE,'>',$filewrite):write:line1\n");
			print($FHWRWR "ope"open(HANDLE,'>',$filewrite):write:line2\n");
			print($FHWRWR "ope"open(HANDLE,'>',$filewrite):write:line3\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWR):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)): if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)): else: Unable to open file '$filewrite' for write, Reason $!\n");
	} else {
		print(STDERRR "$0: D"$0: Directory '$workdir' exists but is not writable!\n");
} else {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$fileopen' does not exists or not a directory.\n");

if (-e $workdir && -d $workdir) {
	if (-w $workdir) {
		if (open($FHWA,">>$fileappend")) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHWA,\">>$fileappend\")): Successful opened file '$fileappend' for append.\n");
			print($FHWAWA "ope"open(HANDLE,\">>$fileappend\"):append:line1\n");
			print($FHWAWA "ope"open(HANDLE,\">>$fileappend\"):append:line2\n");
			print($FHWAWA "ope"open(HANDLE,\">>$fileappend\"):append:line3\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWA):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: if (open($FHWR,\">>$fileappend\")): else: Unable to open file '$fileappend' for append, Reason $!\n");
		if (open($FHWA,'>>',$fileappend)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHWA,'>>',$fileappend)): Successful opened file '$fileappend' for append.\n");
			print($FHWAWA "ope"open(HANDLE,'>>',$fileappend):append:line1\n");
			print($FHWAWA "ope"open(HANDLE,'>>',$fileappend):append:line2\n");
			print($FHWAWA "ope"open(HANDLE,'>>',$fileappend):append:line3\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHWA):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: if (open($FHWR,'>>',$fileappend)): else: Unable to open file '$fileappend' for append, Reason $!\n");
	} else {
		printt"$0: Directory '$workdir' exists but is not writable!\n");
} else {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$fileopen' does not exists or not a directory.\n");

Aby zobaczyć jak działa program należy go uruchomić bez argumentów:
program wyświetli informacje o sposobie uruchamiania programu:
Usage: /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ </path/to/prefix-file>
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open
       It will be usage following files:
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt # (need file to be exists (if not exists create them manually))
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-write.txt # (if not exists it will be created)
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-append.txt # (if not exists it will be created)

jako argument wywołania programu można podać analogiczne jak poniżej argumenty:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open
rezultat będzie zależny od podanego argumentu wywołania programu:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x989edd8),/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt)): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line1|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line2|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line3|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x989edd8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x989edd8),"</home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt")): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line1|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line2|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line3|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x989edd8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x989edd8),'<',/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt)): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-read.txt' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line1|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line2|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ line=|open:read:line3|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x989edd8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x989f8e8),">/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-write.txt")): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-write.txt' for write.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x989f8e8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x989f8e8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x989f8e8),'>',/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-write.txt)): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-write.txt' for write.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x989f8e8)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x98e8ee0),">>/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-append.txt")): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-append.txt' for append.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x98e8ee0)):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x98e8ee0),'>>',/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-append.txt)): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/open-append.txt' for append.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x98e8ee0)):

#top print

Documentacja online: |

Deklaracja funkcji print() jest następująca:
print LIST

FILEHANDLE Operator, print(), read(),


zawartość pliku
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

if ($#ARGV+1<1) {
	print("Usage: $0 </path/to/file>\n");
	print("       $0 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write\n");

my ($workdir, $filewrite);

my ($FHWR, $data, $result);
if (-e $workdir && -d $workdir) {
	if (-w $workdir) {
		if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)): Successful opened file '$filewrite' for write.\n");
			$data.='#!/usr/bin/perl -w'."\n";
			$data.='use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines'."\n";
			$data.='use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions'."\n";
			$data.='use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults'."\n";
			$data.='my $filewrite=$ARGV[0];'."\n";
			$data.='if (open($FHWR,\'>\',$filewrite)) {'."\n";
			$data.="\t".'$data="data content write for write to file";'."\n";
			$data.="\t".'$result=write($FHWR, $data);'."\n";
			$data.='} else {'."\n";
			$data.="\t".'print(STDERR "$0: if (open($FHWR,\'>\',$filewrite)): else: Unable to open file \'$filewrite\' for write, Reason $!\n");'."\n";
			print($FHWR $data);
			printn"$0: close($FHWR):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)): else: Unable to open file '$filewrite' for write, Reason $!\n");
	} else {
		print(STDERRR "$0: D"$0: Directory '$workdir' exists but is not writable!\n");
} else {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$workdir' does not exists or not a directory.\n");

Aby zobaczyć jak działa program należy go uruchomić bez argumentów:
program wyświetli informacje o sposobie uruchamiania programu:
Usage: /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ </path/to/file>
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write

jako argument wywołania programu można podać analogiczne jak poniżej argumenty:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write
rezultat będzie zależny od podanego argumentu wywołania programu:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x8cefdd8),'>',/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write)): Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write' for write.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x8cefdd8)):
oraz zostanie utworzony plik ls -l /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write:
-rw-r--r-- 1 user users 489 2013-10-09 00:41 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write
zawierający następującą zawartość cat /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/print-write:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

my $filewrite=$ARGV[0];

if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)) {
        $data="data content write for write to file";
        $result=write($FHWR, $data);
} else {
        print(STDERR "$0: if (open($FHWR,'>',$filewrite)): else: Unable to open file '$filewrite' for write, Reason $!\n");

#top read

Documentacja online: |

Deklaracja funkcji read() jest następująca:

FILEHANDLE Operator, print(), read(),


zawartość pliku
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults

if ($#ARGV+1<1) {
	print("Usage: $0 </path/to/file>\n");
	print("       $0 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/\n");

my ($fileopen);
my ($FHRD, $data, $result);
if (-e $fileopen && -f $fileopen) {
	if (-r $fileopen) {
		if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)): Successful opened file '$fileopen' for read.\n");
			printn"$0: \$result=read($FHRD,\$data,64):\n");
			$result=read($FHRD, $data, 64);
			printn"$0: \$result=read($FHRD,\$data,64): \$result=$result \$data=|$data|\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHRD):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: Unable to open file '$fileopen' for read, Reason $!\n");
	} else {
		print(STDERRR "$0: E"$0: Entry '$fileopen' exists but is not readable!\n");
} else {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$fileopen' does not exists or not a file.\n");

Aby zobaczyć jak działa program należy go uruchomić bez argumentów:
program wyświetli informacje o sposobie uruchamiania programu:
Usage: /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ </path/to/file>
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/

jako argument wywołania programu można podać analogiczne jak poniżej argumenty:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/
rezultat będzie zależny od podanego argumentu wywołania programu:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x9b5cdd8),/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=read(GLOB(0x9b5cdd8),$data,64):
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=read(GLOB(0x9b5cdd8),$data,64): $result=64 $data=|#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all|
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x9b5cdd8)):

#top seek

Documentacja online: |

Deklaracja funkcji seek() jest następująca:

seek(), tell(),


zawartość pliku
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;      # force definations for all vars an subroutines
use warnings;    # force check of unset variables in expressions
use diagnostics; # give var/code line number on faults


if ($#ARGV+1<1) {
	print("Usage: $0 </path/to/file>\n");
	print("       $0 /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/\n");

my ($fileopen);
my ($FHRD, $data, $result);
if (-e $fileopen && -f $fileopen) {
	if (-r $fileopen) {
		if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)) {
			printn"$0: if (open($FHRD,$fileopen)): Successful opened file '$fileopen' for read.\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_CUR);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_CUR), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_CUR);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_CUR), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_CUR);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_CUR), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_CUR);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_CUR), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_CUR);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_CUR), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_CUR);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_CUR=".SEEK_CUR."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_CUR), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_SET=".SEEK_SET."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_END);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 0, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_END), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_END);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 12, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_END), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_END);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 8, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_END), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_END);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -4, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_END), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_END);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, 10000, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_END), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_END);
			if (int($result)>0) { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)\n"); }
			else                { print("$0: \$result=seek($FHRD, -20000, SEEK_END=".SEEK_END."); \$result=$result if (int(\$result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_END), Reason=$!\n"); }
			printn"$0: \$result=ftell($FHRD): \$result=$result\n");
			printn"$0: close($FHRD):\n");
		} else {
			print(STDERRRR "$0: "$0: Unable to open file '$fileopen' for read, Reason $!\n");
	} else {
		print(STDERRR "$0: E"$0: Entry '$fileopen' exists but is not readable!\n");
} else {
	print(STDERR "$0: En"$0: Entry '$fileopen' does not exists or not a file.\n");

Aby zobaczyć jak działa program należy go uruchomić bez argumentów:
program wyświetli informacje o sposobie uruchamiania programu:
Usage: /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ </path/to/file>
       /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/

jako argument wywołania programu można podać analogiczne jak poniżej argumenty:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ /home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/	
rezultat będzie zależny od podanego argumentu wywołania programu:
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ if (open(GLOB(0x8613dd8),/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ Successful opened file '/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/' for read.
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 0, SEEK_SET=0); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=0
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 12, SEEK_SET=0); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=12
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 8, SEEK_SET=0); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=8
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), -4, SEEK_SET=0); $result= if (int($result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=Invalid argument
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=8
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 10000, SEEK_SET=0); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10000
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), -20000, SEEK_SET=0); $result= if (int($result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_SET), Reason=Invalid argument
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10000
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 0, SEEK_SET=0); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=0
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 0, SEEK_CUR=1); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=0
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 12, SEEK_CUR=1); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=12
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 8, SEEK_CUR=1); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=20
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), -4, SEEK_CUR=1); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=16
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 10000, SEEK_CUR=1); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_CUR)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10016
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), -20000, SEEK_CUR=1); $result= if (int($result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_CUR), Reason=Invalid argument
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10016
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 0, SEEK_SET=0); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_SET)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=0
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 0, SEEK_END=2); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10160
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 12, SEEK_END=2); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10172
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 8, SEEK_END=2); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10168
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), -4, SEEK_END=2); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=10156
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), 10000, SEEK_END=2); $result=1 if (int($result)>0): Successful seek(SEEK_END)
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=20160
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=seek(GLOB(0x8613dd8), -20000, SEEK_END=2); $result= if (int($result)>0): else: Unable to seek(SEEK_END), Reason=Invalid argument
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ $result=ftell(GLOB(0x8613dd8)): $result=20160
/home/local/code/perlcode/sysfile/ close(GLOB(0x8613dd8)):

#top tell

Documentacja online: |

Deklaracja funkcji tell() jest następująca:

seek(), tell(),


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